Embedded Networks

Embedded Networks

From 1 January 2019, exempt persons, such as sellers and distributors of electricity to Embedded Networks, who supply and sell energy to residential customers in South Australia must join Energy and Water Ombudsman (SA) Limited (Energy & Water Ombudsman SA), the prescribed energy ombudsman scheme in South Australia.

What is an Embedded Network?

Most customers buy electricity from an authorised retailer, but some are supplied by embedded network operators, which are also known as ‘exempt sellers’ or ‘on-sellers’. An embedded network is a private network that supplies residents or businesses within a specific area, such as an apartment building, a shopping centre, a caravan park or a retirement village. Embedded networks are connected to the wider electricity network – the grid.

Embedded Network

What has changed?

Changes to the AER’s Network Exemption Guideline and Retail Exempt Selling Guideline in March 2018 included revisions to the conditions on dispute resolution. It is now a requirement that an exempt person, if permitted by an energy ombudsman scheme, becomes a member of an energy ombudsman scheme in the jurisdiction(s) in which it operates and comply with the requirements of that scheme.

How do I join?

For details on how to apply for membership with the Energy and Water Ombudsman SA, please click here.

Customer complaints about Embedded Networks

Energy and Water Ombudsman SA will expect all exempt sellers to have joined the scheme by 1 January 2019. In the meantime, if you have difficulty resolving a problem with an embedded network that is not a member of the scheme, you can contact the Australian Energy Regulator by clicking here.