Step 3: Seek further action

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- Resolving complaints
- Step 3: Seek further action
Step 3: Seek further action
If your complaint was not resolved to your satisfaction at Step 2, you can contact us again and ask if we can help.
Once again either free call us on 1800 665 565 or complete our online form. We will have notes from our last conversation. Using your notes, tell us what the supplier told you at Step Two.
We will consider the information you give us and tell you either that:
- we consider the resolution offered by the supplier to be fair and reasonable and that we cannot help you further
- we will escalate the case and continue working with you and the supplier.
Please be aware that we can't assist with a matter that has already has been considered by a court, tribunal or arbitrator, or is before one of these bodies.
If we continue with the case, we will first try to conciliate the dispute between you and your supplier. A case manager will be appointed for this task.
If the case is complex, involves several issues, remains unresolved or is not likely to be resolved within the time we allocate to conciliate, we may decide to investigate the matter independently. During an investigation, you will not be required to make further direct contact with the supplier.
Once the issue has been resolved we will call you to discuss the outcome and will give you a short written summary of the resolution. If you are not satisfied with the outcome of a conciliation or investigation, there is the opportunity to request a review. For further information, see Our process.
The Ombudsman also has the power to make a determination on the case and it is automatically binding on the supplier if you accept the determination.
Even if we consider a resolution fair and reasonable, you still have the right to take other action, including legal action, if you are not satisfied.